Catering for Bakeries

Catering for Bakeries in Leicester Hamilton

Boost your Bakery’s catering orders in Leicester Hamilton with Slerp, the ultimate online ordering platform for selling direct-to-consumer (D2C).

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Easy ordering for big events, hassle-free catering!
Large orders arrive in perfect condition, highly recommend!
A smooth catering process for our corporate events.
Slerp has transformed how we manage our catering orders.

Catering is a Booming Sector

More and more businesses are encouraging employees to come into the office regularly and using great food as a tool to do this. Be it free Doughnuts on a Friday or a team lunch once a week, office catering is a booming sector. Business customers order often, and they order a lot. In 2023, Just Eat reported a 56% growth in this type of ordering and many of our partners, like B Bagel and Dom’s Subs, are benefiting from this trend.

Corporate clients want to order directly from QSRs in bulk, but the people making the orders don’t want to deal with endless back and forth on email or holding on the phone, so digital solutions, like Slerp, are key to this growing trend.

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Why Choose Slerp for your Bakery’s Catering in Leicester Hamilton?

Easy to Manage Orders

With Slerp you can create a custom-branded ordering experience on the web and your custom app that reflects your Bakery’s brand identity. With the fastest checkout experience, Slerp ensures that your customers enjoy a seamless ordering process for catering orders, doing away with forms, endless back-and-forth on emails, and phone calls.

Easy to Process Production

Slerp’s order management tool (Composer) helps you manage your production orders with ease. Automate the creation of production schedules, packing slips and delivery exports for all of your catering orders. Wave goodbye to spreadsheets and enable efficient use of your team’s time by enabling them to create the necessary outputs for your kitchen, packers and logistics - all in one place.

Easy to Deliver Orders

Slerp partners with top-quality courier services such as Stuart, Uber, and Addison Lee, ensuring reliable and efficient delivery for large orders. Your Bakery can handle on-demand, same-day, or pre-scheduled catering deliveries with ease, enhancing customer satisfaction with timely delivery updates. You also get live end-customer support from Slerp, enhancing customer satisfaction with timely delivery updates.

Bonus: Full Customer Data

Use Slerp’s CRM capabilities to analyse customer behaviour and personalise marketing efforts. The platform’s tools offer insights that help turn occasional customers into loyal patrons by leveraging data on customer ordering patterns to tailor experiences.

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Get Started With Slerp

Ready to up your Bakery’s catering capabilities and ordering experience? Get started with Slerp today and save time and manual mistakes in catering orders.

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