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Are you world cup ready?

October 27, 2022
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The last World Cup in 2018 saw a serious boost to the UK economy, something we could really do with right now! You’d probably assume this would be largely from visits to pubs and let’s be honest, beer. But you’d be wrong! In 2018, 83% of people actually watched the game at home. Whilst some may choose to head the pub with friends, many opt for a night in with their family, with 1 in 3 using the World Cup as an excuse to get a takeaway (an excellent excuse by the way).

So what does that mean for this year? Well yes people are obviously more conscious of what they’re spending at the moment but the World Cup comes once every 4 YEARS. So we would guess that exceptions will be made. With football coming home again this November (could it happen twice in one year!?), you should prepare for lots of takeaways to do the same. Let’s look at how you can get World Cup ready.


Offer your customers a deal they can’t say no to


Takeaway, football, beer – a dreamy combination if ever we heard one. There are so many ways you could entice your customers into choosing you for their half time treat.



Watching football together is a thing many choose to do in groups with family or friends. So it’s the perfect opportunity to encourage higher order values by bundling dishes together. You could create a preset bundle of mains and sides, aimed at a family of 4 or even let them choose what they want to add. Think about whether you have any good kid options as our latest research showed that almost 1/3 of people are heavily influenced by their children when it comes to online ordering. 



Something as simple as discounted or free delivery could be the hook your customer needs to order. Particularly when paired with a minimum spend, your customers will spend more just to qualify. You can also adjust your prices by order type to make sure that you’re not sacrificing on your profit margins.


Mix up your menu


It might sound obvious but something as simple as renaming a dish or even adding a limited edition special to your menu is a great way to encourage sales. The World Cup is the perfect opportunity for this. You might even want to offer a certain item exclusively on your D2C channel to drive orders and save yourself some commission – win win!


Shout about it!


We don’t mind how you do it, whether you want to send emails or utilise social media, but just make sure you’re telling customers.



This is a really good one for the World Cup. Lots of big brands are clever with their timings and send out an SMS to their customers just when they’re starting to think about ordering. A couple of things to consider though… Do you have enough data? Have you got a decent enough database of phone numbers that sending an SMS is going to be worth it? On the other hand do you have enough capacity to cope with a potential influx of orders. Evening games are the perfect opportunity to get orders in but they’re also likely to be when you’re at your busiest. We know SMS is an incredibly effective method of marketing, in fact, our data showed 59% of consumers visited an online or offline store after receiving a promotional SMS. If you’re interested in finding out more about SMS, get in touch with your account manager.



Social media is a really powerful tool for sales, and it’s FREE. Do your followers know that you offer D2C? A World Cup promotion might just be the perfect opportunity to convert them from  ordering via a marketplace to ordering direct.



If you’ve got an app with Slerp, did you know you can send push notifications to customers? Similarly to SMS, this is a great way to get in front of your customers.


Performance marketing 


Level up your marketing with our team of experts. Performance marketing might seem intimidating but that’s why we’re here to help guide you through it. It can cost a lot less than you think too. We can increase your revenue by running ads on your social media and google search, and help boost your search ranking through SEO, all of which attract new customers and lead to more orders. The World Cup could be the perfect place to start, and just before Christmas too.

We’ve talked plenty about the benefits of peaks and key dates in the past. The World Cup only comes once every four years, so make sure you take advantage of it!

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Slerp is an online ordering platform designed specifically for the hospitality industry.