In today’s fast-paced hospitality industry, understanding and optimising Guest Lifetime Value (GLV) is essential for sustained success. GLV represents the total revenue a business ca…itality-industry/n expect from a customer throughout their entire relationship. By focusing on this metric, restaurants and retail brands can tailor their strategies to foster long-term customer loyalty and profitability. This article delves into the importance of GLV and offers actionable insights to enhance it, incorporating the latest trends and technologies in the food and beverage sector.


The Significance of Guest Lifetime Value


Guest Lifetime Value is more than just a financial metric; it’s a lens through which businesses can understand customer behaviours, preferences, and potential revenue streams. The hospitality industry can benefit from focusing on GLV in the following ways:


  1. Improving Customer Retention: By analysing GLV, businesses can identify what keeps customers returning, allowing them to refine their offerings to meet these needs.
  2. Optimising Marketing Strategies: Insights from GLV enable more targeted marketing efforts, ensuring that campaigns resonate with the intended audience and yield higher returns.
  3. Enhancing Customer Experience: By understanding customer preferences, restaurants and retail brands can customise their services, improving overall satisfaction and loyalty.
  4. Boosting Revenue: Maximising the value derived from each customer relationship can significantly increase overall profitability.


Strategies to Enhance Guest Lifetime Value


To effectively increase GLV, businesses in the hospitality industry must focus on several key areas:


1. Personalisation in Large Pre-Orders


Personalisation is crucial, especially for large pre-orders. By tailoring offerings to meet the specific needs of large groups, restaurants can enhance customer satisfaction and encourage repeat business. Consider the following strategies:



2. Streamlining On-Demand and Online Ordering


Convenience is a major factor in enhancing GLV. Restaurants should ensure that their ordering processes are as seamless as possible:


3. Leveraging E-commerce Platforms for Retail Brands


Retail brands in the hospitality industry can leverage e-commerce platforms to expand their reach and increase GLV:


4. Enhancing Delivery and Logistics


Efficient delivery services are critical in the hospitality industry, impacting customer satisfaction and GLV:


5. Effective Communication and Engagement


Engaging customers through their preferred channels is key to increasing GLV:


6. Adapting to Regional Preferences in the Food and Beverage Industry


Understanding and adapting to local tastes and preferences can significantly enhance customer loyalty:


Measuring and Analysing Guest Lifetime Value


To effectively manage and enhance GLV, businesses must have systems in place to measure and analyse the metric. Key steps include:

  1. Data Collection and Integration: Implement systems to collect data on customer behaviour, including purchase history, visit frequency, and spending patterns. Integrate data from various sources, such as POS systems, loyalty programs, and online orders, into a unified platform.
  2. Regular Analysis: Conduct regular analysis of the data to identify trends, assess the effectiveness of strategies, and make data-driven decisions.
  3. Benchmarking: Compare GLV metrics against industry benchmarks to gauge performance and identify areas for improvement.




Guest Lifetime Value is a pivotal metric for restaurants and retail brands aiming to build lasting relationships with their customers and drive long-term profitability. By focusing on personalisation, convenience, effective communication, regional preferences, and efficient delivery, businesses can significantly enhance their GLV. Embracing the latest technologies and strategies in on-demand ordering, e-commerce platforms, and custom inventory control empowers businesses to make informed decisions that lead to increased customer satisfaction and success.

For further insights and strategies on maximising GLV, consider exploring additional resources such as eBooks, webinars, and industry reports. By continually learning and adapting to customer needs, businesses in the hospitality industry can ensure sustained growth and success in a competitive market.

How to Create an Irresistible Delivery Menu






In the competitive world of food delivery, your menu is your most powerful tool. It serves as the digital shop window of your restaurant, enticing hungry customers to choose your dishes over countless others. Here’s a comprehensive guide to creating a delivery menu that not only attracts but also keeps customers ordering from you time and time again.


Photos: The Key to Tempting Customers


Invest in Quality Photography

Photos are the quickest way to get a customer’s taste buds tingling. High-quality, well-lit, high-resolution images can make your dishes irresistible. It’s worth investing in professional photography to display your food in the best light.


Highlight Your Hero Image

Pay special attention to your Hero Image, the photo that customers will see first as they scroll. Get up close and personal with your best dish, or showcase a range of dishes to create an inviting spread. According to analysis, partners who add menu photos see up to a 24% increase in orders.


Crafting Compelling Menu Descriptions


Share Your Story

Your menu description is the space to tell customers about the history and mission of your restaurant. Highlight the founders, the chef, and the inspiration behind your brand.


Be Passionate and Honest

Describe your items passionately but avoid overpromising. Include details about ingredients and cooking methods, and don’t forget to add allergens and dietary tags to ensure customers are well-informed.


Example Description

“Tender chicken skewers marinated overnight in lemon and garlic sauce, grilled and topped with fresh thyme. Served with rice or flatbread.”


Structuring Your Menu


Creative Categories

Be adventurous with your categories. Instead of copying your dine-in menu, create engaging sections such as ‘Our Favourites’ for popular items or ‘Try Something New’ for dishes you want to promote.


Offer Meal Deals

Make life easier for customers by offering meal deals. Build these around themes like ‘Quick Healthy Lunch’ or ‘Dine In For Two,’ or focus on special events like Valentine’s Day. Ensure they include all the elements of a meal: mains, sides, and drinks.


Use Modifiers and Add-ons

Modifiers and add-ons, like extra cheese on a burger, are a great way to encourage impulse buys. Thoughtfully consider combinations to make them appealing and logical to customers.




By following these strategies, you can create a delivery menu that not only stands out but also drives more orders. Regularly update and optimize your menu based on customer preferences and market trends to ensure ongoing success.

Driving Change: Expanding Our Courier Partnerships


Here at Slerp, we’re proud to offer integrated delivery services to take the stress off your business. Providing our restaurant partners with end-to-end solutions, our range of couriers on-hand allows a personalised, tailored approach to every order.


Introducing Our New Catering Partnership with Genii, Gophr, and Pedivan


We’re now delighted to add three new courier services to our platform:


Changing the way inner-city deliveries work, PediVan are an electric fleet of green and eco-friendly cargo bikes with express courier service. They’re 100% sustainable, ensuring that some of our restaurant partners can achieve the eco-conscious goals that matter to them.


Genii Transport
This London-based courier offers a range of vehicles from push bikes to vans, ensuring that orders of every size are covered.


Available in cities worldwide, this courier offers fleets across the country ensuring every location possible is covered.


List of all courier partners including Uber, Addison Lee, Genii, Gophr and Pedivan


Custom Inventory Control for the Hospitality Industry


The expansion of our courier offering allows us to tailor the experience for our restaurant partners and their customers.


Last Mile Couriers for Food and Beverage


Pick the best courier & vehicle type for the job: Based on your settings, the size of the order, the distance travelled and the local courier availability, Slerp Dispatch will automatically assign and route the best driver to you for the job, plus provide the end-customer with live tracking.


Integrated Billing for E-commerce Platform


No need to reconcile multiple courier invoices or set up accounts with each provider. Slerp takes the courier’s payment at source and provides you a breakdown of the fees charged, so the courier reconciliation is done seamlessly and automatically.


Customisable Checkout and Live Support 7 Days a Week


Our Dispatch solution is solely for our Partners and backed by a team of operators who manage courier jobs in real time, meaning if there is a problem (a courier breaks down, can’t find your restaurant, etc.) you have someone there to support you 7-days a week with an average response time of just 73 seconds!


comparison table of slerp vs competitors when it comes to direct delivery and customer support


Great Pricing for Retail Brands and the Hospitality Industry


Due to our scale, we have preferred pricing with our courier providers. We also make sure you can provide competitive prices to your customers, with an ‘optimised rate card’ – designed to maximise your order conversion and gross profit.


Online Ordering and Same Day Delivery

Want to find out more about delivery with us? Get in touch!

Direct Online Orders in Hospitality Achieve Higher Average Order Value Compared to Marketplaces


According to a survey by Toast, 45% of customers say that they would spend more with a restaurant if they could get exclusive deals.

Selling through a direct online ordering platform like Slerp results in a higher average order value compared to marketplaces in the hospitality industry for several reasons:


Brand Loyalty and Trust


Customers booking directly through a hotel or hospitality provider’s website often have a higher level of trust and loyalty to the brand. This trust can translate into a willingness to spend more on their stay or services.


Personalised Offers and Upselling


Direct channels allow for personalised marketing and upselling opportunities. Hotels can offer tailored packages, upgrades, and add-ons that are specifically designed to meet the needs and preferences of their direct customers, which can increase the overall order value.


Better Customer Experience


The booking experience on a direct channel is typically more seamless and user-friendly, reducing friction and increasing the likelihood of customers opting for premium services or longer stays.


Avoidance of Marketplace Fees


Marketplaces often charge commissions and fees on bookings, which can lead to hotels increasing their base prices on these platforms. However, when booking directly, customers may find better value offers, prompting them to spend more on other services.


Promotions and Discounts


Direct channels often provide exclusive promotions and discounts that are not available on marketplaces. These can entice customers to book more expensive packages or add-ons, thus increasing the average order value.


Control Over Inventory and Pricing


Hotels have full control over their inventory and pricing when selling directly, allowing them to manage demand more effectively and encourage higher spending through dynamic pricing strategies and exclusive deals.


Loyalty Programs


Many hospitality providers offer loyalty programs that are only available through direct bookings. These programs can encourage repeat customers to spend more to take advantage of member benefits and accrue points for future stays.


Enhanced Customer Service


Booking directly often comes with better customer service, as there is no intermediary. This higher level of service can encourage customers to spend more on premium services, amenities, or longer stays. Slerp has a Customer Satisfaction score (CSAT) of 92%. Real people to solve problems.


Research by PWC shows that 73% of customers point to customer experience as an important factor in their purchasing decisions, and are willing to spend up to 16% more for a better experience. Which is only possible through direct online ordering.

In summary, direct channels allow hospitality providers to leverage brand loyalty, personalised marketing, and better customer service, all of which contribute to higher average order values compared to bookings made through marketplaces.

Effective Strategies to Grow Online Orders for Your Restaurant in the Digital Age


In today’s digital age, maximising online orders is crucial for the success and growth of any restaurant. With the increasing reliance on digital platforms, restaurants must adopt strategies that enhance their online presence, streamline the ordering process, and engage customers effectively. Whether you’re leveraging a direct online ordering platform like Slerp, optimising your website for search engines, or using social media to reach a wider audience, these 10 strategies will help you boost your online orders and ensure your restaurant stands out in the competitive hospitality industry.


1. Implement a Direct Online Ordering Platform


2. Enhance Online Presence


3. Leverage Social Media


4. Email and SMS Marketing


5. Offer Incentives and Promotions


6. Optimise the Ordering Process


7. Provide Excellent Customer Service


8. Monitor and Analyze Performance


9. Community Engagement




Boosting online orders for your restaurant requires a strategic approach that combines technology, marketing, and customer engagement. By implementing a direct online ordering platform, optimizing your online presence, and leveraging social media, you can enhance the customer experience and drive more online sales. As the hospitality industry continues to evolve, staying ahead with these proven strategies will ensure your restaurant not only survives but thrives in the competitive market. Embrace these tactics today and watch your online orders soar, bringing growth and success to your restaurant.


By prioritising a direct online ordering platform and integrating these strategies, a restaurant can effectively boost its online orders and strengthen its market presence.

The Email Marketing Guide for Restaurants

In the bustling world of restaurants, customer loyalty and repeat business are the lifelines that sustain growth. One of the most potent tools to foster this loyalty and drive repeat visits is email marketing. At Slerp, we understand that retaining a loyal customer base can be the difference between thriving and just surviving.


Why Email Marketing is Essential for Restaurants


Email marketing isn’t just about sending promotions—it’s about building a relationship with your customers. A single visit might bring in £20, but a loyal customer who returns regularly could contribute up to £2,000 per year to your business. This underscores the importance of nurturing repeat visits and increasing customer spend with each interaction.

Email marketing offers several benefits:



Ready to boost your restaurant’s sales and customer loyalty? Here’s how to leverage email marketing effectively with Slerp:


1. Build A Customer Email List


Creating and growing an email list is the first crucial step in your email marketing journey. This list is your direct link to every customer who has already shown interest in your brand.


Leverage Your Existing Customer Database


Start with your current POS system. Most systems store customer emails and contact details. Here’s how you can access and utilise this data:


Collect Emails with Every Transaction


Ensure every transaction—whether in-person or online—results in collecting an email address. This can be achieved by:

If your current system doesn’t support these features, consider upgrading to one that does, as collecting customer emails is fundamental to effective marketing.


Incentivise Email Sign-ups


Encourage new sign-ups by offering something valuable in return. Here are some effective strategies:

Always provide a compelling incentive, like a discount or a special offer, to motivate customers to share their contact information.


2. Utilise a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System


To take your email marketing to the next level, integrate a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. A CRM helps you manage and analyse customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle, with the goal of improving relationships and driving sales growth.


Benefits of CRM in Email Marketing



How to Integrate CRM with Email Marketing



3. Send Engaging Weekly Emails


Maintaining a regular flow of engaging emails keeps your restaurant top-of-mind for your customers. Here’s how to ensure your emails are varied and compelling:


Welcome Emails


Kick things off with a warm welcome email sequence. This is your chance to reintroduce your restaurant, highlight your new online ordering system, and offer an enticing discount, such as 25% off their first order.


Weekly Email Types


Send a mix of different email types to keep things interesting and prevent unsubscribes. A typical monthly schedule might include:

This variety ensures that your emails are not only informative but also engaging and valuable.


Promotions and Special Offers


Promotional emails are a powerful way to drive immediate action. Use these sparingly but effectively, focusing on offers that align with your business goals, such as:

Be strategic with your promotions to maintain profitability while attracting more business.


4. Create a Comprehensive Loyalty Program

A well-designed loyalty program is a game-changer for customer retention. Here’s how to create a program that keeps customers coming back:


Offer Appealing Rewards


Encourage sign-ups with an attractive welcome offer, like a 15% off coupon. Maintain engagement by providing consistent monthly discounts and rewards. Focus on cost-effective items such as appetisers, desserts, or non-alcoholic drinks.


Keep Customers Informed


Regularly update customers on their loyalty points and how close they are to their next reward. Send emails after every purchase with their current point balance and next reward milestone. This keeps the program exciting and encourages frequent visits.


Make Rewards Attainable


Design your rewards system to offer achievable and desirable incentives. Popular choices include:

Ensure the rewards are appealing enough to motivate customers to keep earning points and returning to your restaurant.


Partner with Slerp for Effortless Email Marketing


At Slerp, we make email marketing simple and effective with our CRM. Our platform automates your email campaigns, ensuring your messages are always timely, relevant, and engaging.

Ready to see how Slerp can transform your restaurant’s email marketing? Schedule a demo with us today and discover how our CRM can boost online sales

Schedule a Free Demo of Slerp’s CRM


By integrating CRM into your email marketing strategy, you’ll not only enhance customer relationships but also drive greater engagement and revenue growth. Let Slerp guide you through this transformation and elevate your restaurant’s marketing game.

Why Restaurant SEO Matters More Than Ever

In the fast-paced world of dining, being seen and chosen by customers online can make or break a restaurant. Google Search is the number one driver of new customers, surpassing traditional marketing methods like social media, flyers, or billboards. Yet, many restaurant owners are overwhelmed by the complexity of search engine optimization (SEO). The good news? Optimising your restaurant’s online presence is easier than you think and doesn’t require a tech-savvy background.

In this guide, we’ll break down the essential strategies to skyrocket your restaurant’s visibility on Google, leading to more reservations, takeout orders, and foot traffic.


Understanding Restaurant SEO


What is Restaurant SEO?


Restaurant SEO is the practice of optimising your website to rank higher in local search results. When someone searches for “best pizza in London,” effective SEO ensures your restaurant appears at the top. This visibility translates to more clicks, more traffic, and ultimately, more customers. Whether you’re looking to increase online orders or boost in-house dining, mastering SEO is crucial for your restaurant’s success.

Listing of restaurants with good seo to increase online ordering.


The 3 Big Wins for Restaurant SEO


Big Win #1: Perfect Your Google Business Profile

Your Google Business Profile (GBP) is the cornerstone of local SEO. It’s often the first thing potential customers see when searching for restaurants nearby. Here’s how to make your GBP shine:

  1. Accurate Contact Information: Ensure your restaurant’s name, address, and phone number are consistent across all online platforms. Google rewards consistency, boosting your visibility.
  2. High-Quality Photos: Upload clear images of your restaurant’s interior and popular dishes. These don’t need to be professional shots but should be well-lit and inviting.
  3. Detailed Attributes: List all relevant attributes such as delivery options, parking availability, and dietary accommodations. This information helps Google match your profile with user searches.
  4. Comprehensive Menu: Include your menu directly in your GBP. This allows potential customers to quickly see what you offer, increasing the chances they’ll choose your restaurant.
  5. Encourage Google Reviews: Prompt satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on Google. High ratings and recent reviews significantly impact your search rankings.


Big Win #2: Optimise Your Homepage with Local Cuisine Keywords

To further enhance your online presence, sprinkle local and cuisine-specific keywords throughout your homepage. This strategy ensures your restaurant appears in searches for specific dishes or cuisines in your area.
For example, if you own an Italian restaurant in Manchester, phrases like “best pasta in Manchester” should be prominently featured. Here’s a quick guide:


Big Win #3: Enhance User Experience with Key Website Features

Google rewards websites that offer a seamless user experience. Make sure your site includes the following features to keep visitors engaged and signal quality to Google:

Online Reservations
Facilitate easy bookings directly from your website using tools like OpenTable or Resy.

Online Ordering
Offer direct online ordering on your site rather than redirecting to third-party platforms. This not only keeps users on your page longer but also increases your sales without hefty commission fees.

Mobile-Friendly Design
Ensure your website is optimised for mobile devices. A significant portion of users will access your site from their phones, and a poor mobile experience can lead to high bounce rates.


Good google business profile of SEO for restaurants to increase online ordering


Avoid These Common SEO Mistakes


To maximise your SEO efforts, steer clear of these frequent pitfalls:

Off-Site Ordering Links
Linking to external sites like Deliveroo for online orders can hurt your SEO. Keep users on your domain to boost engagement metrics and signal to Google that your site is valuable.

Slow Loading Pages
Large images and videos can slow down your site, leading to higher bounce rates. Use tools like TinyPNG to compress images and limit video content to ensure fast loading times.

PDF or Image-Based Menus
Menus in PDF or image formats are hard to navigate on mobile and aren’t searchable by Google. Use text-based menus to improve readability and search ability.


An example of bad restaurant SEO for online ordering


Advanced SEO Tips for Restaurant Websites


Once you’ve mastered the basics, these advanced tactics can further elevate your SEO game:

  1. Build Quality Backlinks

Backlinks from reputable sites act as endorsements for your restaurant. The more high-quality backlinks you have, the more Google trusts your site, improving your rankings.

  1. Use Alt Text for Images

Alt text describes your images to search engines, enhancing your site’s SEO. For example, a photo of your signature dish could have alt text like “delicious spaghetti carbonara at [Restaurant Name].” This makes your images searchable and reinforces your content with relevant keywords.

  1. Expand Your Website with Additional Pages

A single-page website limits the information Google can use to rank you. Expand your site with additional pages to cover more topics and improve your visibility:


Start Improving Your SEO Today


SEO is your restaurant’s best bet for attracting new customers and driving sales. With the strategies outlined in this guide, you can improve your online visibility without needing a developer or a marketing agency. Start implementing these tips today, and watch as more customers find and choose your restaurant.


SEO Checklist Recap:

Remember, the sooner you start, the sooner you’ll see results. Don’t let your competitors get ahead—enhance your restaurant’s SEO today! Get started.

In today’s competitive restaurant industry, customer loyalty is more crucial than ever, especially as the market shifts increasingly towards online ordering and delivery. With digital platforms becoming the backbone of restaurant operations, fostering repeat business in a virtual environment requires innovative strategies. Enter the Endowed Progress Effect – a psychological principle that can significantly enhance your digital loyalty programs and boost customer retention.

Understanding the Endowed Progress Effect

The Endowed Progress Effect is a phenomenon where people are more motivated to complete a task when they feel they have already made some progress towards it. Imagine being handed a loyalty card with two out of ten stamps already filled. The sense of a head start increases your motivation to complete the card, making the goal seem more achievable.

Research underscores the power of this effect: customers given a loyalty card with a few pre-filled stamps have an 82% higher completion rate compared to those starting from scratch. This sense of initial progress fuels momentum, encouraging customers to return more frequently to achieve their goals.

Applying the Endowed Progress Effect to digital loyalty programs

As restaurants adapt to the digital era, integrating the Endowed Progress Effect into online loyalty programs can significantly enhance customer engagement and retention. Here’s how you can leverage this principle to boost repeat business through your digital platforms:

1. Kickstart with a Bonus

When new customers join your loyalty program, provide them with an immediate sense of progress. This could be in the form of initial points, stamps, or a complimentary reward. For online ordering, offer a discount on their next purchase or a free item as soon as they sign up. This instant gratification not only delights new members but also encourages them to return to your platform.

Example: Offer a 10% discount on the next online order or a free appetizer for new members who register for your digital loyalty program.

2. Celebrate Milestones

Recognizing and rewarding customers at various stages of their loyalty journey keeps them engaged. Use your digital platform to track their progress and offer rewards after specific milestones, such as the fifth online order or the tenth delivery. These small victories provide frequent incentives to continue engaging with your brand.

Example: After every five online orders, offer a special discount or an exclusive menu item available only to loyalty members.

3. Gamify the Experience

Turn your loyalty program into an engaging and interactive experience by introducing game-like elements. Create challenges, levels, or badges that customers can earn through their online activities. Make their progress visible and exciting, which can significantly increase their motivation to continue ordering from your digital platform.

Example: Implement a tiered loyalty system where customers can unlock different levels and rewards based on the number of online orders they place. Offer digital badges for milestones like “5 Orders,” “10 Deliveries,” and “Top Customer.”

4. Personalise Rewards

Tailor your rewards to individual customer preferences to make the loyalty journey as enjoyable as the reward itself. Use data from their online orders to offer personalised incentives that resonate with their tastes and preferences. This personal touch makes customers feel valued and appreciated, further strengthening their connection to your brand.

Example: Analyse a customer’s past orders and offer personalised discounts on their favourite dishes or suggest new items they might like based on their order history.

The digital advantage: Why digital Loyalty programs work

As restaurants embrace digital transformation, online loyalty programs offer unique advantages over traditional methods:


Incorporating the Endowed Progress Effect into your digital loyalty programs can transform casual diners into loyal advocates of your restaurant. By providing an initial boost, celebrating milestones, gamifying the experience, and personalising rewards, you can significantly enhance customer engagement and drive repeat business. As restaurants continue to go digital, leveraging this psychological principle can give you a competitive edge in the crowded online marketplace.

Embrace the digital shift, and let your loyalty programs propel your restaurant to new heights of customer satisfaction and retention.

To explore how Slerp’s Loyalty can help you implement these strategies and enhance your digital customer experience, click here to learn more!

Embracing Summer: Boosting Your Restaurant Sales with Online Ordering


As the summer season unfolds with its warm days and lively nights, businesses everywhere must adapt to the shifting dynamics in consumer behaviour. The promise of sunny skies often leads to a surge in outdoor activities, and with that comes an evolution in how customers engage with your restaurant. Whether you’re managing a bustling café, a cosy bakery, or a vibrant bar, leveraging the summer vibe can significantly enhance your sales. Here’s how you can harness the power of summer to grow your online orders and keep your customers coming back for more.


1. Skip the Queue with Click and Collect


Summer’s charm lies in its spontaneity. People are out enjoying the warmth, and quick, convenient service becomes more critical than ever. Offering a Click and Collect option allows your customers to order online and pick up their meals without the hassle of waiting in line. This service is not only a crowd-pleaser but also a business booster, giving you the ability to prepare for peak times and manage order volumes efficiently.

Last year, 4 in 10 orders on Slerp were for collection. If you’re not offering Click and Collect, you’re missing out on a substantial slice of sales. For your on-the-go customers, our PressPay feature simplifies the process, allowing them to order in as little as six seconds. Explore how you can integrate this service here.


2. Seasonal Specials: Fresh and Inviting Menu Items


As temperatures rise, so does the desire for lighter, refreshing meals. Introduce seasonal specials like crisp salads, energising smoothies, and light bites that cater to the summer palate. Not only do these offerings entice customers looking for something new, but they also showcase your restaurant’s versatility and commitment to fresh, local ingredients. Promote these specials across your digital marketing for restaurants strategy to keep your menu appealing and relevant.


3. Optimise Your Menu for the Season


Incorporating local, seasonal ingredients into your dishes not only enhances flavours but also appeals to the environmentally conscious diner. Highlight these ingredients on your menu to attract customers who appreciate knowing the origins of their food. Summer is the perfect time to experiment with new dishes and keep your menu vibrant and exciting.

4. QR Code Ordering for Outdoor Spaces


If you have the luxury of outdoor seating, QR code ordering can streamline your service and enhance the customer experience. By placing QR codes on tables, you allow guests to order seamlessly without interrupting their conversations or waiting for staff. This modern approach also helps you collect valuable customer data for future marketing efforts.


5. Family Deals: Catering to School Holiday Crowds


Summer holidays bring families together, and that means more opportunities for dining out or ordering in. Create enticing family deals or bundle options that cater to both kids and adults. With 54% of people seeking more kid-friendly options when ordering, offering smaller portions, healthy choices, and fuss-free dishes can make your restaurant a go-to choice for family dining during the school break.


6. Leverage Social Media to Boost Visibility


Social media is a powerful tool to promote your summer offerings and attract new customers. Share vibrant photos of your seasonal dishes, announce special promotions, and engage with your audience to build excitement around your brand. Utilise platforms like Instagram and Facebook to reach a wider audience and drive traffic to your online ordering system.


7. Enhance the Outdoor Experience


From deliveries to the park to QR code ordering at your outdoor tables, optimising for outdoor dining is crucial during summer. Encourage customers to enjoy their meals in nature, whether it’s a picnic in the park or a cosy meal on your patio. Make sure your online ordering system is set up to support these experiences, ensuring that your service is as delightful as the summer itself.


Seizing the Summer Opportunity


Summer presents a golden opportunity to adapt and thrive amidst changing consumer habits. By implementing these strategies, you can weatherproof your sales and make the most of the season. From enhancing your menu with seasonal specials to optimising your online ordering for outdoor experiences, each step helps you cater to the summer crowd effectively. Embrace the sunny days ahead and watch your sales soar as you grow your online orders this summer.


54% of people want more kid friendly options when ordering
KAM Media X Slerp
Consumer survey

Read more about Slerp’s delivery.

We’ve made it easier to set delivery zones at every Slerp location! Partner’s can now create delivery zones by simply setting a driving time or distance threshold. This makes delivery fees clearer and will improve customer satisfaction.

No more explaining ‘as the crow flies’ versus actual travel distance to partners. For example, explaining why a customer 2 miles away ‘as the crow flies’ is charged for 2.6 miles of travel distance is a thing of the past.

Now, partners can set delivery zones based on driving time or distance. This helps them communicate and market their delivery areas better, such as “We deliver anywhere within 10 minutes of our Shoreditch branch!” and specify delivery costs, like “Delivery fee: Up to £7.99.”

Additionally, we’ve enhanced the Busy Delivery Zone feature. Partners can now easily reduce their delivery zone during peak periods to manage order volume.


Ability to change delivery zones on drive time.

Your online ordering
journey starts here
Get started now